Take control of your health and be proactive.
We offer a large range of functional medicine testing delivered worldwide from the world's best labs.
The tests listed below offer insights into how your body systems are functioning. As part of our naturopathic and nutritionist consultation process, this data helps shape our assessment and treatment plan for you individually. This allows you to make better health decisions, avoid preventable illness and work towards optimal health and wellbeing.
Australian and NZ Orders. The following tests are available to Australian and NZ residents and are priced in AUD.
International testing. Kits are express posted from Nordic Labs in the UK, Europe and Asia and US Biotek in the US. Testing kits usually reach you within 2 days. Enquires and a quote on testing can be made by contacting us at info@foodallergytesting.com.au
Review of Results. If you already have test results we are happy to review them with you in consultation. Book a time here http://www.foodallergytesting.com.au/booking/
Gut Health Testing
Nutrition Check
Comprehensive Nutritional Testing $359
Food Intolerance Test
IgG 96 foods finger prick blood test $350
Food Intolerance Test
IgG 144 foods finger prick blood test $430
Food Intolerance Test
IgG 208 foods finger prick blood test $630
Allergy Check
IgE blood test for food and environmental allergens $109
Lactose and Fructose Malabsorption Breath Tests $225
SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth) Sibotest
Lactulose / Glucose / Fructose Breath Tests from $218
IBS Smart
A simple blood test to diagnose IBS $390
Gut Health Check
Comprehensive Stool testing $379
Stool Analysis
Yeast, bacterial and parasite Check $210
Microbiome Mapping
Extensive Gut and microbiome testing $390
microbiome testing $349
microbiome testing $349
Intestinal Permeability
Leaky Gut Check $159
Gi Effects
Genova Comprehensive Stool Testing $680
Pancreatic Check
Lipase and Amylase $59
Coeliac Check
Coeliac Disease $69
Helicobacter Pylori Check
stool test $95
Hormonal Testing
Advanced Hormone Dried Urine (DUTCH)
adrenal and menstrual hormone testing $380
Adrenal Stress Check
Stress, energy and fatigue check $145
Menopause Check
Hormone blood test $119
Male Hormonal Check
11 Hormonal Markers $135
Hormonal Imbalance Check
Reproductive, thyroid, insulin and adrenal check $179
Sleep Hormone Check
Melatonin and Cortisol Test $99
PCOS Check
Hormones, thyroid, insulin and cortisol $169
Comprehensive Thyroid Check
Thyroid hormones, antibodies and RT3 $225
Insulin Resistance Check
Weight management and sugar cravings $69
Female Hormone Check
7 hormonal markers $125
Nutritional Testing
Nutrition Check
Comprehensive Nutritional Testing $359
B vitamin test
B12, folate, B6 $130
Hair Mineral Analysis
Mineral and Heavy Metal Testing $220
Chronic Fatigue Check
B12, iron and thyroid Check for low energy $139
Essential Fatty Acids Check
Omega 3 and 6 levels $89
Iron Check
Iron and Ferritin $59
Copper to Zinc Ratio
Copper, Zinc and Ratios $79
General Health Check Testing
Well Woman Check
Comprehensive Blood Test $239
Biological Age Check
Epigenetic Saliva Testing $995
Inflammation Check
Chronic disease check for anti-inflammatory diet $135
Cardiovascular Check
Multi marker testing $199
Well Man Check
Comprehensive Blood Test $239
Essential Health Check
Basic annual health check $135
Autoimmune Check
Inflammation, Rheumatoid and ANA $79
Homocysteine Check
Simple biomarker or risk factor test $45
Platinum Health Check
Cardiovascular, Nutritional, Hormonal and Gut Health $739
Lifestyle check
Liver, kidney, cholesterol and blood glucose Check $69
Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) Check
Recent or past infection $59
Urine test measuring neurotransmitter levels $290
Metabolism, Weight Management and Exercise Testing
Healthy Weight Check
Metabolic Panel + Consult $249
Women's Sports Hormone Check
Biomarkers for training $189
Women's Endurance Check
Comprehensive testing including cortisol levels $359
Metabolic Balance
Stand-alone Metabolic Balance Analysis $195
Men's Endurance Check
Comprehensive testing including cortisol levels $359
Essential Fitness Check
Prior to starting a fitness program $95
Men's Sports Hormone Check
Biomarkers for training $189
Men's Endurance and Nutrition Check
Endurance and Nutrition combined $599
Genetic Testing
MTHFR gene testing $69
Fitgenes Check
Fitgenes Genetic Testing $435
Biological Age Check
Epigenetic Saliva Testing $995
Other Testing
- OATS - Organic Acids
- Amino Acids
- Pfeiffer Protocol
- Methylation Profiles
- Biotoxin Exposure