10 Tips for Detoxing Your Environment
In our modern world environmental toxins are unavoidable. These toxins can take
the form of toxic ‘heavy’ metals (such as lead, mercury, cadmium, and aluminium),
herbicides, pesticides, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and other persistent organic
pollutants (POPs). Further, a whole range of what are termed ‘endocrine disrupting
chemicals’ or EDCs, including phthalates, parabens and bisphenol A (BPA) are now
identified as having a significant impact on our health. These toxins are resistant to
degradation or ‘persistent’ and take a long period to break down both in the
environment and in our bodies.

Common EDC-containing items include:
- Plastic products, e.g. storage containers, fast food containers and drink
bottles (including BPA-free plastics) - Non-organic fresh produce (herbicides and pesticides)
- Flame retardants found in new furniture and cars
- Meats (due to POPs animals may have consumed in water or soil)
- Cleaning products
- Make up
- Personal cleaning and skincare products
- Synthetic air fresheners
10 Tips for Detoxing Your Environment
1. Transition all personal care and make-up products to natural equivalents avoiding phthalates, parabens, triclosan and heavy metals which all exhibit endocrine disrupting effects.
2. Store and heat all food in glass or stainless-steel containers avoiding bisphenol-A(BPA), BPE and BPS.
3. Limit exposure to air pollution by avoiding walking or exercising near main roads.
4. Install a water filter to reduce exposure to chlorine and fluoride, which both effect the thyroid gland and metabolic rate.
5. Avoid air fresheners and perfumes. Essential oils are a preferred choice.
6. Consume organic meats and fruits and vegetables where possible avoiding POPs but also pesticides and herbicides.
7. Create an indoor nursery. Indoor plants consume carbon dioxide and reduce volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that are emitted from indoor furniture, paints, aerosols and adhesives. Plants such as the peace lily, Boston fern, Aloe vera and bamboo all offer this fantastic protective effect.
8. Increasing toxin elimination by drinking more water, exercising, dry skin brushing, far infra-red sauna
9. Transition cleaning products to natural versions. Many items can be replaced with a combination of distilled water, bicarb soda (baking soda), vinegar and salt.
10. Increasing toxin elimination with herbal and nutritional support. Commit to a seasonal detox and more consistent strategies if you are at greater exposure risk such as working in the beauty industry, metal worker, mechanic, painter etc.